C'est une grande fierté pour moi de jouer le spectacle Flesh à Londres dans une des salles les plus incroyables au monde (selon moi).
La Cie Still Life a.k.a Aurélio Mergola et Sophie Linsmaux jouera ses premières dates internationales hors-francophonie au magnifique Barbican Center dans le cadre du "Mime Festival" du 25 au 28 Janvier.
Et on est très excités de découvrir comment le public va recevoir l'objet théâtral.
It's a match !
Le public Anglais et son humour typique se retrouvent visiblement dans l'humour grinçant et l'humanité du spectacle
Fantastique accueil technique et réactions du public !
Des critiques 4 et 5 étoiles !!!
On est très très contents.
"... Each icy look, loving gaze, and eyebrow twitch screams with a torrent of language and all without uttering a word. It's intensely moving but you can't quite tell why. It's beyond language."
Alexander Cohen - BroadwayWorld
"... It comprises four exquisitely observed vignettes that capture very different stories, telling them with delicious richness and without the need for any spoken language.
As the show begins, electronic music fills the air, resonating throughout the theatre and our bodies: already the audience understand corporeally that something is happening. "
Mary Pollard - Everything Theather
"...the company takes its time shaping each scenario and building the mood. The performances throughout are precise in their physicality and convey so much without dialogue."
Natacha Tripney - The stage
"Funny, energetic, disrespectful..."
Chris Lilly - The reviews Hub
"...Eric Ronsse’s sound is superb ... as expressive as words."
Arifa Akbar - The Guardian